Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Scholarship searches are a part-time job!

A pretty common question students and families have this time of year is “how can I get more money for school?”  This is a great question, and our financial aid office has a great answer.  There are literally thousands of scholarships that are available to students who just take the time to look for them and apply.  There are even websites that make this search easier for the student.  Fast Web is a great example of a site that goes out and searches through scholarship opportunities and sorts out the ones that would apply specifically to you.   All you have to do is provide a brief profile about yourself and your interests.  Then, you just let the website to the rest. 

You may also want to check with the guidance office at your high school. Guidance offices are great resources for local scholarships provided through groups such as the Lions Club, Rotary, or even local businesses, like banks.

I usually tell students and families that finding these scholarships are like having a part-time job.  Take a look at this example: let’s say you spend five hours searching for and applying for 10 different outside scholarships.  You only get awarded two of them.  Both of these scholarships you earn are worth $500.  In terms of hourly wages, you just got paid $200 an hour.  How does that sound?  You would be hard pressed to find a job that is willing to pay that right now.   If you want to look into these opportunities, visit our scholarship blog by clicking this link.


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